3 Common Graphic Design Mistakes (and how to fix them!)

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2022

Not everyone has an eye for design - but again, not everyone has it in their budget to hire a Graphic Designer. Just know that, you don’t have to be a professionally trained Graphic Designer to produce quality images and graphics.

Either way, if you're dreading the thought of having to create your next graphic on your own...

Here are 3 Important Design Tips To Remember:

1. Don't Use Too Many Fonts

Have you ever created a text graphic and wanted to use the PERFECT fonts - but as you were scrolling through the list, there were SO many nice ones to choose from...

So you ended up doing a font overload! 

TIP #1 - STICK TO 2-3 FONTS - If you have a hard time figuring out what fonts go well together, here's a site that can help you! Font Joy

Let's take a look at what difference it makes using TOO many fonts to only using 2-3.

2. Watch Your Colour Selection

You're wanting your graphic to stand out - so you choose the brightest you can find. Well, let's just say your graphic will definitely stand out...

But not in a good way!

If you don't have a colour palette picked out for your business brand yet, it’s usually safe to pull a colour directly from the image to create a cohesive looking design, just be sure to choose a colour that will stand out!

TIP #2 - CHOOSE 3-5 COLOURS FOR YOUR BRANDING - Not sure what colours go well together? Pinterest can be your best friend! Just search up colour palettes :)

Let's take a look at what colours DO NOT go well together.

3. Not Aligning Your Elements

This really bothers people - especially Graphic Designers! You want your designs to look good right? Not messy and unorganized!

So take the time to make sure your elements aren't all over the place and are aligned properly...

Whether that's left aligned, right aligned or center aligned. 

TIP #3 - MAKE SURE ALL TEXT AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE CORRECTLY ALIGNED - Canva actually makes this really easy because it shows you dotted lines to help you align an element properly.

Let's take a look now at what a simple alignment correction can do.

Well, there you have it...

3 Common Graphic Design Mistakes and the tips to help you avoid making them! If you found these tips very helpful, but are still not interested in having to do your own design projects...

BOOK A DESIGN VIP DAY or Schedule a FREE discovery call to see how we can help you with your next design project!


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