Stop chasing consistency, instead implement these 3 steps

Do you ever feel you are constantly trying to stay consistent in your business?

You'll be great for a few weeks, maybe even months and then something happens and it completely throws you off track.

Don't worry, you are certainly not alone and I have some easy yet effective and totally do-able steps that you can start taking today that will still help you get work done.

1) Create - Start by creating. Think about what content your audience needs to see, read, hear and start creating. 

2) Plan - Once you have created content, you need to plan when it is going to go out. Think about when this content will be most beneficial for them to see. Perhaps you have a launch coming up, what content fits in with that. Maybe you are just working on leads, what content will resonate with new people that are finding you? 

3) Schedule - Now that you have created and planned, it's time to schedule it! Not only will your content be ready to go out, but it's one less task you will have to think about and not feel rushed in putting together.

Here's a bonus tip for you:

Break these 3 steps into different days. Don't feel like you have to put it all together in one day. When we do little chunks at a time, it can feel less overwhelming and help us feel more accomplished when we see work being complete. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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