How To Get Work Done Without Distractions

business tips Feb 24, 2021

If you have been working in the online space for a while now, you will know that there are distractions all around us because of all the places we need to be to run an online business. 

I want to share with you three simple yet effective tips to help you lessen the distractions so you can get the work you need in a timely manner. 

1) Pinpoint the Cause- You likely work on your computer most of the time and there is a good chance that you have more than one tab on the go. Look at what you have open. Is your social media on and you can see notifications pop up when someone likes or comments on your stuff? Is your email open? Maybe you are working on your phone, is your phone pinging every time you get a notification? Close those tabs and turn those notifications off. The less you see and hear, the more focused you can stay.

2) Break it Down- If you have a large task that needs to be complete, look at it and see how you can break it down into smaller bite size pieces. This will help stop you from going into overwhelm and becoming distracted when you think about how you are going to get it done. 

3) Be Prepared- I believe this is the most important tip you can follow. When you are going into your day and are just winging it, the distractions will come up and it will be harder to stay focused. This is why having systems in your business are so important. When you have systems in place, you can clearly see how and when things are going to be complete causing you to become less distracted. 

You can create systems for ALL areas of your business and you will thank yourself for getting them in place now before you continue to grow and bring on team members to help you in your business. 

If you don't have systems in your business yet, consider joining Systems That Scale where we are going to walk you through the process of figuring out what exactly are you doing in your business right now, how to create systems for them and how to bring on new team members when the time comes to hand off some of your tasks. 

It's time to say goodbye to distractions! 


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